B2 Grade PU Foam Self Extinguish Fire Retardant Foam Adhesive
Product Description
B2 Grade PU Foam Self Extinguish Fire Retardant Foam Adhesive
Characteristics :
Sound and heat insulation, bonding, fixing and sealing.
Processing temperature (can and environment) between +5ºC ~ +35ºC. Optimum processing temperature between +18ºC ~ +25ºC. Range of temperature resistance of cured foam is from -30ºC ~ +80ºC.
The foam will adhere to materials such as concrete slab, concrete wall panels, masonry, metal, wood, and plastic except teflon and silicone. Cured foam is non-toxic.
Fast curing.
Reduce smoke emission.
Foam expansion 50-60 times.
Filling unreachable area and big gaps.
Insulating and noise barrier properties.
High grade fire retardant and self extinguish. Cuttable after 60 minutes and apply with finishes.
Directions :
Wear protective gloves, goggles and work clothes during use.
Clean surfaces from oil, grease, dirt, dust and loose particles, then premoisten the cavity. Dry surfaces should be well sprayed or dampended with water.
Use between 5ºC ~ 35ºC.
Shake can for 1 minute vigorously before use.
Tack off cap, firmly screw gun into the can. Turn the flow adjustment screw.
Hold can UPSIDE DOWN with tube pointing into far end of cavity, slowly press trigger to dispense foam.
Fill vertical gaps from the bottom up.
Fill cavity 50% with foam to allow for expansion.
Use PU Foam Cleaner to remove excess uncured foam on nozzle and valve.
Take free time 10 - 20 minutes. The foam can be cut using a knife after 60 minutes. It will cured after 1 hour and is stable within 3 - 5 hours.
Cured foam can be trimmed, painted, skim coated, sanded, plastered, grouted or caulked.
The foam discharge rate can be regulated with the trigger and controlled with the flow adjustment screw. Turn it off clockwise direction when finish. Before replacing, shake a new foam can vigorously for 1 minute, unscrew empty can and immediately replace with the new foam can.
Applications :
Adhesive for concrete wall panel joints to structural members, deflection and crack control purposes.
Seals around installation of switches and sockets, gap between wall and air-conditioner wall, exhaust fan, filling and sealing gaps between wall and pipes.
Fills cracks and joints, cavities, gaps around pipes, vents, utility lines, electrical outlets, seals around windows, doors, siding and baseboard.
Seals and insulates joint and gap between sole plate and concrete slab / wall panels.