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JOE Crackshield

Light Weight Concrete Wall Panel Joint Tape
Product Description

For strength and crack resistance in Light Weight Hollow Core Concrete Wall Panel joint treatment

High tensile strength to resist tearing, stretching and distortion

  •  Roll form for easy handling and application.
  •  Perforation Surface for superior bond.
  •  Accurately Flexible and center-creased easy to fold for corner treatment and angle beading.
  • Improve water resistant at external wall joint application.

JOE Green - Crackshield Wall Panel Joint Tape is a special UPVC –UV grade Joint tape designed for use with JOE Bond Adhesive to reinforce joints and corners in precast lightweight hollow core walls. Also recommended for joint treatment at Inner corner, Outer corner, Structural joints between column, beam and Ceiling. JOE Green- Crackshield Joint Tape resists cracking and stretching and improves water resistant when used at external wall joints.

JOE Green - Crackshield Joint Tape is manufactured from special formulated UPVC tape with high tensile strength, and a flexible – centered joint to allow for movements. Its perforations provides a superior bond. It also provides exceptional water resistant at external wall joints – reducing water seepage to joints; resists stretching, wrinkling and other distortions; lies flat; and resists tearing under tools. Easy to apply, Crackshield Wall Panel Joint Tape's flexible center creasing and uniform winding promote accurate and trouble- free application to angles as well as flat joints.

All installed wall panels shall be properly and fully grouted at the Tongue and Groove Joints between each panel, Top and Bottom Gaps to ensure sufficiently supported to prevent settlement and movement due to loose joints, poor surface bonding and un-compacted grouting at the panel connections. To Use Handheld Mortar Pump for the Gap filling / Grouting applications.

Position and apply JOE Green - Crackshield Wall Panels Joint Tape in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Prepare JOE Bond Adhesive following directions on container. Cover joint with a thin layer of Bond Adhesive and embed paper joint tape, press the Tape to allow adhesive to pass through the perforations leaving about (2-3 mm) of bond adhesive compound under the tape . While embedding the tape, remove excess adhesive from edge and apply a thin coat ( 2-3mm ) over the tape. Let dry and and do not induce any vibration or mechanical works on the installation after application. Sand lightly as required when dry.

Crackshield should be applied only before Wall Finishing work, such as plastering or skim coating. All M&E Concealment works, cutting, hacking, chiseling works on walls and floors should be completed before the application to minimize disturbance and vibration induced to the completed walls, leading to hairline crack formation on the finished coatings.

For plastering, skim coating, painting and decorating, follow Supplier/ Manufacturer’s directions for materials used. All surfaces, including applied JOE Bond adhesive, must be thoroughly dry, dust free before decorating. A prime coat of JOE Green - Flexshield - a Ready to Use Flexible Rendering is highly recommended for achieving high quality, very thin (1-2mm ) and smooth surface finishing , suitable also for touch up of uneven and repaired surfaces. Allowed to dry (min. 3 days under airy environment ) before painting, texturing or wallpapering.

Product Data:

Coverage :  Approx: 40m / 24m2 Basing on 3m height wall at every 600mm joints one sided.







40 M


Unit/ Carton

10 Rolls


Internal & External Wall joints , inner and Outer corner beads, structural to wall connections, etc.

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